Sunday, March 26, 2006


I'm on the edge of a precipice. No, that's not true.
It's more like a small fissure, at least until I try to cross the gap.
Then things start spreading in opposite directions.
I'm not sure if I should turn back and cling to the rapidly disappearing ground that resembles my current grounds for truth,
or leap for the opposite side. It appears to be nearing,
but looks so foreign to me that I'm not sure where to put my feet.
The ground may shift in ways I'm not accustomed to.
The otro lado, the other side, looks vaguely promising;
it looks more promising that the suelo I'm used to standing on.
So maybe I'll just stand in the middle and do the splits-I'm flexible.
Then I won't have to make any decisions.


Blogger poemer said...

Thanks. This is actully about my decisions for the future.....although I've found that extreme decisions usually work themselves out, w/o requiring much from me in the long run.

8:15 PM  

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