Thursday, June 16, 2005

Scraps of Infinity

Red lives in blue embraces, golden refractions
Of stars and light emerge from our Mars-Venus ways.
Spiral paths in the whirling infinity of history and space
Are a truth from beyond the nebulae of darkening night.
Does Hubble see our vast minuteness in the
Infinite ages God set in motion before creation was born?
We descend from history and mountains catch our fall as
Our body, an explorer, shuttles us through
The continuum of aged truths and recent wisdom.
The little scraps given to keep ourselves going
Are numbered like the stars.
Separately and together, in the darkening berth, we
Hurtle through a narrow slice of the universe.
Can it contain our heat and light?
Violent duels erupt between us, galaxies struggling to be.
The gravity of chaos, marked by watching eyes
Behind spun glass and silver blankets,
Anchors the confetti-colored swirls of
After-glow and primordial gas.
We cross paths, leaving behind
Trails of stars, records of our existence.
And in the aftermath,
Whole new galaxies emerge,
Coalescing in bright blues-
The signature of things to come.


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