Cycle of the Sun
In the Spring, the sun is like a young person, who is excited about all the possibilities that the world has to offer. Just look at the green grasses and vibrant hues of flowers that respond to it's attentions. It's a young mother of a firstborn child, sensitive to all the cares of her infant, totally attuned to that which will cause the baby to flourish.
In the Summer, the sun is like a parent of a teen-ager: it's strong, firm, responding to the demands of those intent on utilizing every last ounce it can give. It glares at those children who want to lie on the beach, wearing too little.
In the Fall, the sun is that middle-aged person, on the verge of retirement. It has moments that point to a time of weakness, of vulnerability. But that time has not yet come, and the wiser moments prevail and shine, and cover others with its offerings-a cornucopia of harvested effort. Thoughts and feelings come to fruition.
In the Winter, the sun has finally decided to shuffle off to the South, where it's warmth can be bundled in moments of joy captured from the times before. It's glory is now reflected in snow and ice; crisp light is frozen clear as crystal. It's a brittle salute at time, before it sinks into oblivion.
Nurturing, preserving, punishing, withering: the sun joins in life's cycle, and is one of us.
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