Sunday, November 27, 2005


I dreamt that you woke me from within my dream
And unwrapped me from the cocoon in which I was sheathed.
You delicately removed the years of forlorn impatience with your touch, your steady gaze, your tongue gently telling, showing what memories should be made of.
Your lips rasping on my collarbone made me rise from my slumber.
The gasp from my parted lips made you rise.
Your fingers raked my flesh, following various torturous paths until I begged for relief.
My fingers scratched out their own course, gently pressuring you to find release within my heat.

Tears of craving came from our pores as you joined your salty sweat with mine. Pent-up and unspoken desires were left on the twisted sheet beneath us.
Any imperfections I have were erased as my curves grasped you, hand and tongue, refusing to let them go.
I rode the tide of movement and resistance.
A strident, garbled moan rose from somewhere deep inside of me
And traveled through my flaming nerve endings. It was a lovely burn.
My urgency for your thrust, for your skin on my skin,
Matched the tingling need nursing mothers know when
Their full breasts ache to be suckled by their greedy, hungry child.
I drained you of all the hurt, the sorrow, the lonely anger;
You drained me of all my unanswered dreams.
We became the birthplace of a greater truth.
It filled the womb of possibility my heart had become. Our bodies were slick with the sticky joy of entering and being entered.
You looked into my eyes again and we spent ourselves in each other. Then we dreamed.


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